Ralston “Hinge” Master Plan

In August 2018, the City of Ralston hired the Omaha-based engineering and planning firm, HDR, to develop a master plan for the “Hinge” redevelopment area. This is a 30-acre site extending along Main Street, from 72nd Street to downtown Ralston. Following a series of public participation meetings, the redevelopment area was extended to include all of downtown Ralston.

The master plan  is the result of over a year of effort involving extensive citizen participation, planning, market analysis and site engineering.  The concept includes mixed-use (commercial on the first floor with residential above) buildings, a variety of residential development types including apartments and townhomes, open spaces for passive recreation and outdoor entertainment, fountains or other water features, an extension of Burlington Street to 72nd Street and new pedestrian connections to create a friendly environment for people to explore on foot.

City leaders are using the plan and associated research to inform and attract area developers to Ralston’s potential as the next frontier for urban redevelopment in the Omaha metro. For more information contact Ralston City Hall at 402-331-6677.